I have been travelling in Europe with my Georgetown 378XL for the last 8 years (9mths/yr). I was planning on bringing my RV back home this year but I am considering replacing it. I am very picky about a few issues to do with windows and views. Two models that look like they would work for me are the Dutch Star 4071 and 4370. I know that the 4370 is the larger of the two but the 4071 should be big enough for me. On the internet there are a lot of 4370s for sale and very few 4071s. Either there are major problems with the 4370 and everyone is trying to get rid of it or they didn't sell any 4071s (because it had issues?).
Any one have any ideas? Why the difference in the number for sale and is there any major difference (other than 3 feet or so) between the units.
I can't go and look at one as I am still in Europe. Thanks........Jackie
Any one have any ideas? Why the difference in the number for sale and is there any major difference (other than 3 feet or so) between the units.
I can't go and look at one as I am still in Europe. Thanks........Jackie