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Diesel Fuel

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Rex Franklin

RVF Regular
Nov 9, 2021
When I was younger, I was told by reliable a source, gas station owner, that diesel fuel was a by- product of making gas for cars, and that is why it was cheaper than gas. For as long as I can remember, diesel fuel was always cheaper than gas. Spring ahead to the year 2010 or, so, and diesel prices prices started going up ! More large tractor trailers on the road moving our goods. Oil companies, go, we can make a lot more money if we raise the price of diesel fuel ! They have to buy it ! Trucks won’t run without it, and they have to move all of our goods. Price of everything goes up !!! The part I don’t understand, and it will never be fixed because the US would be involved, is; why has the Justice Department not looked into price gouging of the oil companies !! Remember, it never cost more than gas (by-product) but now it is more expensive than gas !! How did refining change so much, to make that large increase.
And while I’m at it, how about the fact that Price Fixing is going on with all these Oil companies. You can not tell me, that all the overhead, G&A, Direct expenses, manufacturing costs, & cost of money is exactly the same for every oil company . It must be, BECAUSE they all charge the same price for gas and diesel , within a penny of each other.
Where is our great government doing about this ? Oh, nothing, or, they would have done it years ago.
Yes, I know some of you are just going to say, I’m just some kind crackpot. Oh, well ! You keep on believing all the crap the Government us feeding us. I Don’t want to hear that it is because of Russia’s invasion. That’s BS. Let’s face it, OPEC fixes prices, so does the oil companies and we just have to bite the bullet, they don’t care.

I tow my Apex Nano (21’) with a Ford F-250 Diesel. Getting 14 miles to the gallon on the highway. This $5.50 a gallon for diesel fuel is out of this world. I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A year, eighteen months ago, I was paying $2.50 for diesel fuel. The gas and diesel hike can not be because of Russia and their actions.

Drive careful out there !!
Be kind, be safe, take care of each other.

I think some of the price increases that started around 15 years ago coincided with ultra low sulphur (ULSD), and then the use of DEF, and other emissions related changes in the formulation and refining of diesel. Im no expert, but that was a major change in the way diesel was produced and likely drove the price up in the process. And since it was government mandated, you won’t find the government doing anything about it. Just be glad your chosen RV isn't in the single digit MPG range.
When I was younger, I was told by reliable a source, gas station owner, that diesel fuel was a by- product of making gas for cars, and that is why it was cheaper than gas. For as long as I can remember, diesel fuel was always cheaper than gas. Spring ahead to the year 2010 or, so, and diesel prices prices started going up ! More large tractor trailers on the road moving our goods. Oil companies, go, we can make a lot more money if we raise the price of diesel fuel ! They have to buy it ! Trucks won’t run without it, and they have to move all of our goods. Price of everything goes up !!! The part I don’t understand, and it will never be fixed because the US would be involved, is; why has the Justice Department not looked into price gouging of the oil companies !! Remember, it never cost more than gas (by-product) but now it is more expensive than gas !! How did refining change so much, to make that large increase.
And while I’m at it, how about the fact that Price Fixing is going on with all these Oil companies. You can not tell me, that all the overhead, G&A, Direct expenses, manufacturing costs, & cost of money is exactly the same for every oil company . It must be, BECAUSE they all charge the same price for gas and diesel , within a penny of each other.
Where is our great government doing about this ? Oh, nothing, or, they would have done it years ago.
Yes, I know some of you are just going to say, I’m just some kind crackpot. Oh, well ! You keep on believing all the crap the Government us feeding us. I Don’t want to hear that it is because of Russia’s invasion. That’s BS. Let’s face it, OPEC fixes prices, so does the oil companies and we just have to bite the bullet, they don’t care.

I tow my Apex Nano (21’) with a Ford F-250 Diesel. Getting 14 miles to the gallon on the highway. This $5.50 a gallon for diesel fuel is out of this world. I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A year, eighteen months ago, I was paying $2.50 for diesel fuel. The gas and diesel hike can not be because of Russia and their actions.

Drive careful out there !!
Be kind, be safe, take care of each other.

I don't believe anything THIS government feeds us.
I think some of the price increases that started around 15 years ago coincided with ultra low sulphur (ULSD), and then the use of DEF, and other emissions related changes in the formulation and refining of diesel. Im no expert, but that was a major change in the way diesel was produced and likely drove the price up in the process. And since it was government mandated, you won’t find the government doing anything about it. Just be glad your chosen RV isn't in the single digit MPG range.
I can see that, but, a by-product of gasoline, does not cost more to produce than the gas itself ! Even with the additives, it should be well below the price of gas ! I still say it is mostly price fixing and greed !
I think the idea that the diesel fuel marketers came up with was that diesel fuel contains more energy content than gasoline. Therefore, it should be more valuable and sold for a higher cost per gallon.

When I was younger, I was told by reliable a source, gas station owner, that diesel fuel was a by- product of making gas for cars, and that is why it was cheaper than gas. For as long as I can remember, diesel fuel was always cheaper than gas. Spring ahead to the year 2010 or, so, and diesel prices prices started going up ! More large tractor trailers on the road moving our goods. Oil companies, go, we can make a lot more money if we raise the price of diesel fuel ! They have to buy it ! Trucks won’t run without it, and they have to move all of our goods. Price of everything goes up !!! The part I don’t understand, and it will never be fixed because the US would be involved, is; why has the Justice Department not looked into price gouging of the oil companies !! Remember, it never cost more than gas (by-product) but now it is more expensive than gas !! How did refining change so much, to make that large increase.
And while I’m at it, how about the fact that Price Fixing is going on with all these Oil companies. You can not tell me, that all the overhead, G&A, Direct expenses, manufacturing costs, & cost of money is exactly the same for every oil company . It must be, BECAUSE they all charge the same price for gas and diesel , within a penny of each other.
Where is our great government doing about this ? Oh, nothing, or, they would have done it years ago.
Yes, I know some of you are just going to say, I’m just some kind crackpot. Oh, well ! You keep on believing all the crap the Government us feeding us. I Don’t want to hear that it is because of Russia’s invasion. That’s BS. Let’s face it, OPEC fixes prices, so does the oil companies and we just have to bite the bullet, they don’t care.

I tow my Apex Nano (21’) with a Ford F-250 Diesel. Getting 14 miles to the gallon on the highway. This $5.50 a gallon for diesel fuel is out of this world. I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A year, eighteen months ago, I was paying $2.50 for diesel fuel. The gas and diesel hike can not be because of Russia and their actions.

Drive careful out there !!
Be kind, be safe, take care of each other.

I hear ya.

You are pulling a 21 foot trailer. Probably a nice size for one of the new electric half tons. Consider putting in an order for one. It’s a heck of a lot cheaper to “fuel” than a gasser or diesel. We switched this year. Our trailer is about 4 feet smaller than yours and we pull it with an electric SUV. Pulls like a champ and dirt cheap to run. Sure feels nice driving by the pumps.

Safe travels.
I get 7 mpg. I have A 42 foot coach and am not changing out for something shorter or electric
I think the idea that the diesel fuel marketers came up with was that diesel fuel contains more energy content than gasoline. Therefore, it should be more valuable and sold for a higher cost per gallon.

I think we are just being ripped off , because they can and nothing will happen. We have to go to work and move goods across the US. Let’s face it, when you report your last years profits at $ 35 Billion !!!!! Does that not seem to someone that they are over charging people for gas and diesel ??? It’s the diesel that gets me. A by-product of making gas, yet it costs $ 1.00 more a gallon ! Additives my butt, they don’t cost that much !! Greed will get them one day ! Electric, solar, wind, the next thing , will put them out of business .
Maybe one day, they will have cars and trucks with solar panels in the roof, batteries in the floor and very little need to charge the batteries. The top of every tractor trailer rug could have some new super solar panel to keep the batteries charged and take it across the US. Plug your tractor into the trailer and keep your batteries charged up even more than the panels in your tractor . Tired of this high fuel price and something needs to be done !
Folks, costs do not determine price. If I can manufacture something for $1 and people will pay $200 for it, should I not sell it for $200?
I think the high prices we're seeing for gas and diesel are merely the tip of the preverbal iceberg that's heading our way.
Think baby formular shortages (known about since Feb.) think South Texas holding facilities.
Think shortages of medications and foods of all kinds.
Think civil unrest and crime getting completely out of control.
Think another Covid spike coming this fall.

My thoughts are if you can do it, no matter what it is you enjoy, do it now! cost be damn

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