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Discovered Black Widows Nest with female Black Widow in under carriage, how to remove?

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Jan 6, 2021
RV Year
RV Make
Holiday Rambler
RV Model
RV Length
350 Cummins
I have a rear brake line I need to replace and everytime I've gone under there I've noticed spider eggs. I thought they might be old, but there are strong webs all over that space. Today as I was about to crawl from under and was shining my bright light in the direction of the eggs, I came face to face with what I could only assume is a female black widow. I looked up online the eggs , which look like spikey round things and sure enough they are Black Widow eggs. It did not occur to me to look them up before and I should have. Anyhow I'm not looking to get bitten by a Black Widow especially a female and I need to get this job done as soon as possible. My only option I was thinking is to turn my pressure washer on it and force it out of the area and away from the RV likely drowning it and the eggs . Has anyone had any experience with these especially in the undercarriage? We did have a male Black Widow inside a few months ago and I removed it and relocated it to a different part of the park, but females can be a lot more aggressive and their bites are a lot more painful and potentially deadly.
Try wasp spray. You can shoot it 10-15 feet.
That’s what I’d do. Can’t see relocating a spider. Not like we are running out of them.
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I don't recall seeing a male!

Discourage spiders by ritually removing their webs.
Smash the sacks because the babies rely on them as nests till they don't need the protection.
Spiders feel movement of the web as a dinner bell so to speak. You might say removing the web is like taking a fish out of the water!!!

Unlike a snake, a spider does not have a striking distance.


I locate the spider
I smash it
I look for it's offspring
Smash them if any
I clear the web
And wait a couple of hours to see that no new web has started

Really folks! I don't have to poison my environment, and self to avoid getting poisoned by a simple bug!!!
Found this one a couple days ago when I pulled the hose out of the bin. Guess I picked her up in Oregon. Glad I caught this before the big hatch!


And no Kevin, I didn’t use any pesticides. Just a spritz of eco-friendly Gumout Carb cleaner…
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