I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with a rimrock truck bed toolbox but its a bed mounted drawer system that sits 6 inches high in the bed of the truck. It's made out of steel and very strong. They make one that has the cutout for a gooseneck ball but I haven't seen any solutions for a fifth wheel hitch. Do any of you have any experience with this or have any possibly solutions? I know BW makes the companion hitch that could possibly work but it would have to sit on top of the tool box and use some kind of receiver extension to reach the gooseneck ball receiver. Another concern there would be that the hitch would be sitting 6 inches higher than normal. They also make a hitch made for flatbed trucks but the opening is not as large as it is on flatbed trucks. The opening on the rimrock is 14 inches and the BW flatbed hitch requires a 18 inch opening. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Below is a picture of what it looks like. I can attach more if need be.