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Good Sam Membership

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signed up many years ago, before email and cell phones we so prevalent, got so much junk mail it wasn't worth it and all the above, dropped it asap
Just give a 10% discount to members of RV Fourms😜
We have had it for ten years now, but don't see us renewing. When we traveled more it was worth it.
Had Good Sam for 1 year because we saved the cost of joining PLUS more on a long stay in Nashville many years ago. Took me years to get rid of the junk mail.

I only join Passport America IF I will be using it for more than the 2 to 3 nights to recoup the yearly membership fee. In recent years, I have taken to staying in Sam's Club or Cracker Barrel parking lots when traveling. I rarely stay in a campground when traveling unless I need to dump tanks.
I have GS membership and between discounts at CW and resorts it has paid for itself +
I will say that CW’s storefront is a joke now and most items are cheaper on Amazon. I have gotten lucky on a few big ticket items that were on sale

Passport America has paid off in an offseason stay that broke us even, I would never renew it.
Passport America has paid off in an offseason stay that broke us even, I would never renew it.
I used to be a fan of the passport, but like the other post about safety, I have seen the quality of the parks that need to give 50% off attracting too many of the wrong crowd.

All too often I will notice people paying the wrong type of attention to my 13year old daughter and my wife, and it is typically at truck stops, rest stops, Walmart's, and other high traffic areas.

I am now a fan of finding parks that use their price as a way to set the class of the clientele. It's no longer about the age of the coach but getting away from those that are looking for a handout.
I agree with every comment made above. It's not worth it whatsoever.
the fees GS charge parks are hardly worth the expense Jim. Just offer a 10% discount if you are a member of "name your club" and you will save a ton of money!
I agree @redbaron, I was considering it more for the additional exposure and SEO backlinks. We've been successful filling the park with our targeted clientele, but gaining/maintaining good search engine positioning can always be improved. :)

I was actually trying to find a tactful way of saying that we were afraid the Good Sam discount would bring the wrong type of guest. But while we are looking for a certain type of guest, I didn't want to come across as being snooty either. Anyone who has been here will attest to that.

But there is just no denying that the less the campsite costs, the more upkeep we seem to have to do when the camper leaves.
On the PA it just happened to be a site we occasionally stay at and it was the off season , otherwise we would not have used it at all. Definitely will not renew
I didn't want to come across as being snooty either.
Too late. Perhaps your park should be closer to Highlands? They sound like the kind of people you would want.

Good Sam gives a whopping 10% off. That doesn't even cover the taxes. As for the "wrong crowd", I'm pretty sure that you would consider me one of those. Do you have any idea how elitist you sound? Just because someone isn't perceived to be in your tax bracket doesn't make them criminals, druggies and/or perverts. You can be filthy rich and still be a criminal, druggie and/or pervert.
Wow...you're certainly living up to your tagline.

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