Not sure if this is the right place for this question. I currently have a PJ 24ft deck over 14k gvwr trailer that I will tow at capacity(~10K) all day long smoothly. It's an 8" I beam frame and built pretty heavy duty. I am looking at getting a smaller equipment trailer for a piece of equipment that is about 11k lbs. I found a top hat 14k gvwr that only weights about 2,500lbs so payload capacity of ~11,500lbs. It has a 6" channel frame. My question is, is a lighter duty trailer that is "technically" rated for this much towing... is it a good idea? My PJ trailer is built way heavier duty than this top hat so it makes me nervous putting even more weight on a lighter duty trailer even though its rated for the amount? Any experience towing a trailer like that close to capacity would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!