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Watching them back-in.

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RVF Supporter
Nov 19, 2019
Haslet TX
RV Year
RV Make
RV Model
Dutch Star 4318
RV Length
Cummins 450hp
2022 Ford F250 4X4
There may be nothing more enjoyable than sitting on the patio on a warm spring day sipping a cold one and watching the parade of folks trying to back in their rig.

Recently we watched an older couple try to back in a tear drop for 45 minutes. Finally got it in sideways. :D

Then he spent almost a hour unloading the back of his truck and setting up.

BTW, they left the next morning. :unsure:
That's a lot of work to stay one night!!! :ROFLMAO:

Last time I was in Florida I had a great time watching this woman backing in a camper across the street from mine. Up and back. Up and back. Took almost 45 minutes while two men with her were giving directions from the outside of the truck. I sat there watching the fiasco wondering if she was the best driver? Or was she just so bossy she demanded to drive? Or did the guys think anybody could drive the truck as long as the GOOD one was outside giving directions??? I came -! !- this close to getting up and going over there to help but I decided my help was probably not wanted. I'll give her credit though. It was a 40' 5th wheel camper!!! It was a great way to kill an afternoon!!! :ROFLMAO:
As an ex truck driver I love watching people back in. Not only the ones with trailers have problems, but some have problems with their toad. Yes, there are times when it is hard to hit the broad side of a barn, but some seem to be more prone to missing the barn all together. Great entertainment!!
Just love showing up to see people sitting outside to watch me park. Interesting thoughts go through my head...and then I resume attention to parking :rolleyes:
That's why we bought a class C.
I'm the backer upper here and I can barely stand to take any direction from SO (he's usually wrong). So anytime anyone wants to chime in, go for it.
I am amazed at the number of professional (likely lacking experience or over confident) damage other trucks at truck stops.

I likely provide some of that entertainment. However, I do set G.O.A.L's (get out and look). Slow and a little sweat - much better than fast and broken stuff, not to mention shattered ego. So, when I see you, I will wave and carry on.:cool: Don't forget to come over and say hello when I am done. Oh and put a nickel dollar in the hat on the table, to help support good entertainment. :whistle:
After years of driving a 53' Defever (Boat?) in some pretty tight spots I know to take it SLOW! I'd say 90% of boating accidents are the result of "going too fast"...same with RV's. I just take it slow. That said, what you can't see when backing up can and will bite you. SO, I was just suggesting to my wife we get some walkie talkies...anyone else use 'em?
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After years of driving a 53' Defever (Boat?) in some pretty tight spots I know to take it SLOW! I'd say 90% of boating accidents are the result of "going to fast"...same with RV's. I just take it slow. That said, what you can't see when backing up can and will bite you. SO, I was just suggesting to my wife we get some walkie talkies...anyone else use 'em?
Yep, Trish and I use them. When we get to the spot we're backing into, I get out, make a plan, and then tell Trish exactly where I want the back of the coach to be when I want to start turning the wheel and backing into the spot. And if I can't see it, she tells me on the HH, and then she directs me from there. Most of the time I really don't need the input, but I like that she's there, just in case!
After years of driving a 53' Defever (Boat?) in some pretty tight spots I know to take it SLOW! I'd say 90% of boating accidents are the result of "going to fast"...same with RV's. I just take it slow. That said, what you can't see when backing up can and will bite you. SO, I was just suggesting to my wife we get some walkie talkies...anyone else use 'em?

We don’t use walkies or phones. First we walk the site together to get on the same page of what we will do and find any obstacles, then we use hand signals that work well for us. Using this it is usually just one or worst case 2 attempts and we are in place.
Good for us but we can see the disappointment on the bystanders faces that their planned entertainment didn’t work out.

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