Hi all:
Acouple of electrical issues that all seem to have started at the same time.
1. Aux key position is dead. When I turn the key to the left, I just hear a click. Starts ok though when I turn the key right.
2. Front cover to generator won't open. Hit the button and just hear a click. (even with coach running.)
3. Steering wheel telescope and pedal telescope don't work (right side of s. wheel). Tilt does work.
Is it a series of flukes or is there a bigger issue? all suggestion graitfully accepted
Acouple of electrical issues that all seem to have started at the same time.
1. Aux key position is dead. When I turn the key to the left, I just hear a click. Starts ok though when I turn the key right.
2. Front cover to generator won't open. Hit the button and just hear a click. (even with coach running.)
3. Steering wheel telescope and pedal telescope don't work (right side of s. wheel). Tilt does work.
Is it a series of flukes or is there a bigger issue? all suggestion graitfully accepted