No, it DOES make sense, and if enough people wise up and quite paying ludicrous pricing for stuff, the prices will come down. The sales side of the economy is suffering because people can't afford to buy stuff.It's EVERYTHING! I'm getting to the point (personally) where I am going to start my own little boycott. For example, your lawn problem ? I'd reach out to the local golf course maintenance guy and see if they had any (extra) seed And the local horse stables have all the "fertilizer" you will need. I know it doesn't make any sense, but it makes me feel better. Sometime, somewhere, somehow, this is going fall apart. The price escalation cannot continue. It's going to break. Good luck with the lawn Neal...I DO like a nice lawn Blessings
My wife and I make good money, 2 payments left on our house, 5-7ish years to retirement, decent size retirement accounts. A LOT of people we know will never have the ability to retire, not because they don't make the same money we do, but because they spend like idiots.