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Question Questions before buying.

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RVF Newbee
Feb 28, 2021
I have questions about purchasing a travel trailer, which is imminent. Pros / cons to new or used. Whether to purchase an extended warranty, and if it’s best to get it from the dealer or a 3rd party? Also, is it advantageous to look for a dealer with many locations throughout country? Thanks!
Extended warranty is really a personal choice influenced by one’s ability to pay for things when repairs are required. There are a lot of restrictions in what is covered, few cover everything. Dealers love to sell them as they are big moneymakers. I have had extended warranty in the past but prefer to self insure now.
New or used? That question has about 4000 answers, all of them correct depending on YOUR situation. Since you didn't provide us any of that information it's kind of hard to be of much help. Dealers? In general are pretty lousy. Don't think that because a dealer has multiple locations that the other locations where you DIDN'T purchase your RV will welcome you with open arms when you have a problem. They won't. Extended warranties? For a pull behind camper I wouldn't even think about it. For a 45' diesel pusher with $100k worth of computers and electronics? Absolutely I would buy one. Maybe not from the dealer, depending on how expensive it was, but I would buy one.
1) Is there a hidden list of RV Dealers that are tried and true?!
2) All options BEING EQUAL, is it more beneficial to purchase local, rather than from a larger well recommend dealership?
I keep hearing....'we are the largest/best/....., and because of this, you will have access to our/the largest support while on the road....we are all about service service service for our customers....'

thanks, Helplessly Confused
I have questions about purchasing a travel trailer, which is imminent. Pros / cons to new or used. Whether to purchase an extended warranty, and if it’s best to get it from the dealer or a 3rd party? Also, is it advantageous to look for a dealer with many locations throughout country? Thanks!
As far as the extended warranty goes. I was a Chevy service manager for about 35 years. IF the manufacturer offered a extended warranty, I might look at it. A lot of times, it is hard to get a straight answer out of the dealer as to is it a warranty offered by the manufacturer or someone else. Dealers like the aftermarket warranties because they make a lot more profit from them as opposed to the manufacturers extended warranty. (If they offer one).
The problem with aftermarket warranties, is that they look for ways to NOT cover a repair. Also, even though your dealer will probably say otherwise, another dealer or repair facility DOES NOT have to honor your warranty.
Also, you have no one to turn to (factory), if you have problems the dealer or repair facility is not taking care of you, or denying to fix something that should be covered.
I would shy away from a aftermarket warranty.

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