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Alternative to Harvest Host

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how often is running the generator through the night a problem at Harvest host locations?
I have never had a problem. Most will tell you in their write what they allow. Several places I have stayed at have actually had power hookups for free.
how often is running the generator through the night a problem at Harvest host locations?
I always look to see if they prohibit generators. Most of the time, the hosts that appeal to me, in the location I need, are either silent on generators (implied acceptance) or state they are allowed. If I feel that I will be needing the generator and they prohibit or greatly restrict, then I look for another location.
It is getting very difficult to find anything these days. It is time developers start developing RV parks everywhere. Just do not take advantage of people with the prices! RV parks, help bring income into towns & cities nearby. Couldn't get any better than that! Maybe the county & states can help pay for it. Restaurants & Truck stops are now adding RV parks. The customer just has to spend money in their establishments. Soon they are talking about a stay & eat membership card. Golf courses, ranches, etc. etc. can do the same. Recreation camping is a great way of life. It brings nature & people together. Another step to Grow America!
I am traveling in TX, NM, AZ, and CO and have yet to find an RV park close to capacity.

One of the problems is your suggested remedy for developers to build more parks. Corporations have bought so many private mom-and-pop parks and significantly raised prices that they priced many travelers out of the market.

I certainly don't want to see counties or states building parks since they often can't manage the parks they already have.

I'm curious about where you're traveling and having difficulties finding a place to stay.
Haven't heard of Landtrust before...

I thought this thread was comparing HH to RVOvernights

I used to belong to Harvest Host but never used it. Many places do not have clear access for my coach, and I won't park on grass with my weight, so I canceled. An article in RV Travel mentioned another option.

Thought I’d share a find from this am; RV Parky! For those nights you just need a rest before heading out in the am to your destination. Very interesting site and full of great info! Happy and safe travels all!
My HH renewal was last week and I decided not to renew. I'm now getting emails with a 25% discount if I renew. There may be a benefit of not renewing and waiting for the discount.
I want to say about 3/4 or more request no generators; it seems when I have perused the options to stay, 1/4 say yes and some with limits.
That is surprising. I’ve always been able to use my generator all through the night everywhere I have stayed.
That is surprising. I’ve always been able to use my generator all through the night everywhere I have stayed.
I never had any issues running the generator.
My HH renewal was last week and I decided not to renew. I'm now getting emails with a 25% discount if I renew. There may be a benefit of not renewing and waiting for the discount.
Our renewal dates must be pretty close. I also didn't renew and I'm getting the discounts, pleas and a survey about what they can do to make it good enough to re-up. But for the same reasons I didn't renew, I'm still not going to renew. Be strong TxClod, you can resist!

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