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12 volt problem in 2003 Holiday Rambler Endeavor

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That should have no effect on the house batteries. Coach batteries yes!

Where are you getting 7 or 8 volts? Each individual 6volt battery?
That should have no effect on the house batteries. Coach batteries yes!

Where are you getting 7 or 8 volts? Each individual 6volt battery?
Yes each individual battery and no indication of going up, so now as I recall reading in the manual each cell will has around 3-4 and it should add up to around 12 if that makes sense? Also getting around 13 from the red wire that goes to the right rear battery.
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Yes each individual battery and not indication of going up, so now as I recall reading in the manual each cell will have around 3-4 and it should add up to around 12 if that makes sense? Also getting around 13 from the red wire that goes to the right rear battery.
You have my head spinning! Although you can test voltage for each cell in a flooded battery, I won't! It's hard on test leads, that leaves us with testing each 6v battery using the terminals of the battery.

With the batteries isolated from the system (disconnected from positive or negative) for at least 8 hours. The voltage should read 6 33 if fully charged. 6.0 if fully discharged, or anything between 0 to 4.5 if dead.

If the voltage you are telling me about (13) is connected to the system, your converter is in floating mode. Should be about 13.8 or so, but an indication your converter is operating!

This 13 volts can be an indication of a couple of things. One is one battery is giving your converter a run for the money. You need to check the batteries isolated from the system, as described above.

The other option is a system load that is bringing the voltage down.

To find the problem, pull all 12v fuses and see if the voltage comes up. Then if the voltage reads 13.6-8 , replace each fuse one at a time till the voltage drops. When it does you know the circuit to find the problem!

It goes without saying everything 12v in the coach should be turned off before doing this test.

Good luck! Following this guide should get the 12v problem isolated! By nature, and experience, this is how I troubleshoot things.

When you get this far your problem could be as simple as a bare wire OR!!!!
Looks like that's the only option I'm going to have I was thinking about pulling my good 12 volt house battery from the older RV and just putting that in instead of these four six volts, is there any reason why I can't? Also I unplugged from shore power and I couldn't get any thing 12 volts to work it was barely enough charging the batteries for a house light to go on the panel showed around 4 volts that's with the engine running. So either there's an issue with the batteries or there's a nice issue with the charger isolator this is going to be a trial and error figure out what's going on? I figure the fastest way would be to just put a known reliable battery on there and if that doesn't charge up then I'll know for sure it's not the batteries, what do you think?
Looks like that's the only option I'm going to have I was thinking about pulling my good 12 volt house battery from the older RV and just putting that in instead of these four six volts, is there any reason why I can't? Also I unplugged from shore power and I couldn't get any thing 12 volts to work it was barely enough charging the batteries for a house light to go on the panel showed around 4 volts that's with the engine running. So either there's an issue with the batteries or there's a nice issue with the charger isolator this is going to be a trial and error figure out what's going on? I figure the fastest way would be to just put a known reliable battery on there and if that doesn't charge up then I'll know for sure it's not the batteries, what do you think?
Yes you can use your known 12 volt batteries. Pay attention to the connections in your trailer and duplicate that! Simply put, two 6v in series = one 12v battery! Ask for help if you have trouble sorting it out!
But I only have a 12v house battery in my other RV.
But I only have a 12v house battery in my other RV.
Yes, but if you hook them in series they will be 24v so hook them up accordingly. Examples are like pictures. While learning they are good teachers. So do what you can to learn from them. Maybe even draw out what you see, and label everything. Once you take everything apart there is no way to learn anymore from them!

The one thing in life that is certain is tomorrow things can not be relied apon so record everything! That's all I'm saying.
Yes, but if you hook them in series they will be 24v so hook them up accordingly. Examples are like pictures. While learning they are good teachers. So do what you can to learn from them. Maybe even draw out what you see, and label everything. Once you take everything apart there is no way to learn anymore from them!

The one thing in life that is certain is tomorrow things can not be relied apon so record everything! That's all I'm saying.
Well that’s why I either take a photo or video whenever I can. Just for clarification I should put the dual volt in series with the existing 6 V batteries or I should take all the 6 V batteries out and just put the 12 V to see if there’s an issue other than the battery?
Well that’s why I either take a photo or video whenever I can. Just for clarification I should put the dual volt in series with the existing 6 V batteries or I should take all the 6 V batteries out and just put the 12 V to see if there’s an issue other than the battery?
I would

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