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Leash law/rules are for everyone

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There are appropriate places for well behaved dogs to be off leash. I see far too many misbehaving dogs off leash though.
I agree. I guess I should have included a disclaimer in my post. It is healthy for dogs to be able to "run like the wind". Our Miniature Poodle is no exception. She wakes up in the morning ready to chase her ball.

As of today, I have adopted a -0- tolerance policy toward dogs that are not leashed at the parks we visit. Ryker has been attacked 4 times over the last 2 years, all at campgrounds that we’re staying at, and all from dogs belonging to people who feel the “Dogs must be on a leash” rule doesn’t apply to them.

Three of these times the attacker has been a small dog, and had I not controlled Ryker, he could have seriously hurt the animal. The attacker generally ends up hanging off the fur around Ryker’s neck, which doesn’t hurt Ryker but as can be expected, makes him quite anxious.

There is always a lot of growling, barking and chaos involved as the attacker’s owners run around in circles, trying to catch their dog amid total pandemonium.

Yesterday, I was on walk 2 of our vet prescribed 6-daily low impact rehab walks. I had just left our coach and was walking around the back of my neighbors 5th wheel when their pug made a run straight at Ryker. I grabbed Ryker up and the Pug bit him full-on in his damaged leg. Pug released and then made another run which ended up with him hanging off Ryker’s neck. Once the drama was over, the Pug owner and I discussed the situation, but at the end of the day, what can I do? It was an accident that could have been prevented, but still, it’s just an accident. And even if he was in a financial position to reimburse me for any damage, it would be a stretch to think that he would have done it.

The next day, Ryker showed signs of limping, and today he’s holding his rehabbed leg in the air and hobbling around. Almost 3 months of rehabbing, 3 40-minute commutes each week to do aquatred and shockwave therapy, two stem cell injections at $5K apiece and a gazillion hours of travel time, just to have some ill behaved animal set us back who knows how far.

And somewhere down the line, the Pug owners will be sitting around their campfire swapping stories and laughing about how their little Pug showed incredible bravery when he attacked a big ol’ German Shepherd. All in blissful ignorance of the damage that they may have caused.

So, from today on, I will take a walking stick while Ryker and I are out rehabbing. And if we are attacked again, I will send the offender into a world that he will certainly not enjoy. Leash rules are for everyone. If you’re one of those who doesn’t understand that, perhaps I will be the person to educate you.
MY biggest complaint about the leash laws is not about having the law but not being specific as to the leash type. A leash should be restricted to 6-7' max length. Flexi leads that can be as long as 30' are a training aid for sit stay come training. These were not intended to be for allowing pets to run. A long length lead can actually be more of a safety hazard than no leash at all.
Those long leads end up winding around objects and legs, and those extendable leashes are even worse, getting rope burn as it slides across the skin.
Professional diagnosis revealed Ryker developed more scar tissue than acceptable for quality of life and leg function, leading us to proceed with carpal arthrodesis surgery. I’ll skip the details, Google has those! Rehab involves, among other things, 12 weeks of strict confinement, with leash-only bathroom breaks.

We're set up in a downstairs guest bedroom with easy outdoor access for Ryker. Ryker’s cast will need to be changed weekly, and if all goes well, he’ll transition to a half cast after 8 weeks.

We’re back from Asheville after surgery and I'd like to give a Big Thanks to Jim (@lostinfla), Bonnie, Imra and Renee (@ARD) for minding the park while we were gone!

Ryker arrives at home.jpg
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As of today, I have adopted a -0- tolerance policy toward dogs that are not leashed at the parks we visit. Ryker has been attacked 4 times over the last 2 years, all at campgrounds that we’re staying at, and all from dogs belonging to people who feel the “Dogs must be on a leash” rule doesn’t apply to them.

Three of these times the attacker has been a small dog, and had I not controlled Ryker, he could have seriously hurt the animal. The attacker generally ends up hanging off the fur around Ryker’s neck, which doesn’t hurt Ryker but as can be expected, makes him quite anxious.

There is always a lot of growling, barking and chaos involved as the attacker’s owners run around in circles, trying to catch their dog amid total pandemonium.

Yesterday, I was on walk 2 of our vet prescribed 6-daily low impact rehab walks. I had just left our coach and was walking around the back of my neighbors 5th wheel when their pug made a run straight at Ryker. I grabbed Ryker up and the Pug bit him full-on in his damaged leg. Pug released and then made another run which ended up with him hanging off Ryker’s neck. Once the drama was over, the Pug owner and I discussed the situation, but at the end of the day, what can I do? It was an accident that could have been prevented, but still, it’s just an accident. And even if he was in a financial position to reimburse me for any damage, it would be a stretch to think that he would have done it.

The next day, Ryker showed signs of limping, and today he’s holding his rehabbed leg in the air and hobbling around. Almost 3 months of rehabbing, 3 40-minute commutes each week to do aquatred and shockwave therapy, two stem cell injections at $5K apiece and a gazillion hours of travel time, just to have some ill behaved animal set us back who knows how far.

And somewhere down the line, the Pug owners will be sitting around their campfire swapping stories and laughing about how their little Pug showed incredible bravery when he attacked a big ol’ German Shepherd. All in blissful ignorance of the damage that they may have caused.

So, from today on, I will take a walking stick while Ryker and I are out rehabbing. And if we are attacked again, I will send the offender into a world that he will certainly not enjoy. Leash rules are for everyone. If you’re one of those who doesn’t understand that, perhaps I will be the person to educate you.
Small Taser
My soon to be "Bionic Dog"!

First of the weekly cast removal/wound inspections/recast and then recovery. Only 11 more to go!



Gotta be so hard on the little guy. (And the owners)😞
Yeah, it's dedication. But if you're not willing to take on the difficulties of ownership, then don't take the dog at all. He's family, and nobody said it was going to be easy. :)

I just wish it wasn't so hard on "him". :(
Yeah, it's dedication. But if you're not willing to take on the difficulties of ownership, then don't take the dog at all. He's family, and nobody said it was going to be easy. :)

I just wish it wasn't so hard on "him". :(
My Dad always said of dogs “they trust us” and we have to live up to that. It’s a serious responsibility but also an honor. Did all that damage happen from that one loose dog attack?
Is all that anesthesia going to hurt him? Hope not.

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