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Rally in Pueblo

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My biggest disappointments were the lack of vendors, the catered food, and the number of items stolen. The occasional gunshots from the surrounding neighborhood at night were a little freaky. It's
too bad the Grupio app became so undependable.

The Newmar techs are unbelievable and the Newmar Parts Store was even stocked with some of the oddball parts I needed.

The wash and wax crew did a great job on my coach. I don't know how they managed to complete 90 attendees plus all the show coaches in just 5 days.
Just FYI - NKK had no choice on the caterer. They were contractually tied to the event center.
I have been wanting to ask that same question but I did not want to offend by asking Why? 99% of you know your coaches well so is there more information to be had? Just reading the thread kept making me keep asking why. Heat , bad power, marginal food, indigents, gunfire the list goes on. Why don’t they beak it up into regions or maybe they do. Maybe it’s the draw of meeting and seeing fellow coach owners. I am sure there are good answers so help me understand.
The meeting of fellow coach owners does create a "draw", so to speak. We have friends from all across the country, and this is a time to get together and visit! Having been fortunate enough to have done a couple of the "Caravans", it gives us a chance to all get together; as well as having the Tech's service so many coaches(Probably the biggest draw)!
We have been to the last three Internationals, & enjoyed each one. Fortunately, or unfortunately, We were not able to make it to Pueblo. As it turned out, it was a blessing that we did not attend. Unless something prevents us from going, we will attend at least three of the next four, & hopefully all four!
It is sad that there were so many negatives to this years International! And that they had such bad experiences!
The Newmar events are not without an issue or two, but nothing like this!
Oh, and folks need to attend "seminars" and learn about their coaches, power management, etc; and that would make for a better Rally!
My ".02" worth!
That’s really helpful insight. Sounds like maybe this year was an exception where things are typically smoother. You really hit on a topic that I see all the time which is power management. These coaches are complex and that’s greatest favor you can do for yourself is learn that. It’s kind of an afterthought for some until you really need it.
Some of you may or may not know, NKK is under new leadership. They are trying hard to change things and to evaluate all the "its always been done that way". If it is good, then leave it. If it is not, then change. My understanding is that at the top level when they (new leadership) took over and looked at the facility in Michigan, there were several things that were well below what they desired in a facility. Of course at that late date, a new facility is tough to come by. (part of the reason for 4 year planning). When they last held the rally in Pueblo in 2016, it went fairly smooth. Of course lots of societal things have degraded since then as well as a combination of the infrastructure degrading and coach demands increasing somewhat. Add to that, the weather that week being several degrees above normal (yes, it is hot in Pueblo, but typically only mid 90's rather than 102 and cooling off in early evening instead of 2:00 am. Now that the new leadership has some lessons learned, I anticipate that the future International Rally's will show improvement.
Unfortunately Pueblo like other cities in Colorado Front Range have an indigent population problem. There were folks camping in a small section of woods just outside the Fair Grounds perimeter. The police seem powerless to control them for any number of reasons.
This causes manifold issues.
The running gun battles at night are a concern for all and has become far too “normal “.
Welcome to the Third World.

All that said, there are only a small number of facilities nationwide that can accommodate 500 resource intense RVs and have adequate meeting rooms and dining facilities for the daily activities,

The catering did improve over time but was still subpar, especially for a group that has the resources to travel in large very expensive vehicles.

Speaking with the NKK staff, the number of adequate venues is very small considering the size of this country.
Consequently the repeat visits to sites like Pueblo.

Just my $0.02
As a resident of Pueblo I agree with your remarks on security. Colorado has also become a border state.

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