I think Mr. Coffee is rolling over in his grave. I had a pretty basic coffee maker and now I guess the Cuisinart I have now is slightly more fancy but i only drink my coffee black. I tried flavored creamers and it made it more expensive and less appealing so that was an easy decision. I read somewhere the fellow who invented k-cups wished he never had now that enough have been discarded to circle the earth 8 or 9 times if placed end to end. The expense is impressive too, even at Costco bought in bulk they're still ~10× more expensive per cup than a basic coffee maker. I have succumbed to grinding my own beans but I have a hard limit of no more than $5/lb which I can usually find at Costco but dumping $5T of fresh printed money on the formerly free market has done away with better than half the options I used to have. When it goes on sale, I stock up!